Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hey everyone!

It has been a long journey with SKIN DEEP, but release day is coming up on April 3! I am so pumped about releasing this baby. Paranormal Romance was the original genre that made me want to be a writer. I've had this story in my heart for a long time and I'm very excited to finally be able to share it with the world!
With all of that being said, I will have ARCs available very soon. Anyone interested should fill out the form below. I will be sending them out here in the next couple of weeks. 

For those of you who aren't interested in reviewing the book, but are still interested in reading it, the novel is up for pre-order on Amazon. Click here to check it out. 

Here's the book info:

What would you do to have the body of your dreams?

Kiera hates being overweight and hides behind thick layers of clothing. One night, her friends present an opportunity that seems impossible to believe. With a single spell, she can have the thin physique she's always coveted.

But all magic comes with a price: no sex or she'll revert back to her old body. Kiera accepts the cost. It's not like she has men lined up at her door. Obeying this one tiny rule isn't difficult at all—until the night she meets Cain, a were-tiger and a soldier with the Eternal Forces.

When a slew of unexplained murders forces Kiera and Cain together, they'll have to face the horrors of their pasts. Will Kiera realize she is worth more than her outward appearance? Or will she make the wrong choice and lose everything—including her life?

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